Convergences - Journal of Research and Arts Education is an open access journal dedicated to scientific research, having DOI and E-ISSN, which publishes articles in the areas of design, music and visual arts, evaluated in a double-blind peer review system.
The Convergences Journal publishes free of charge (no-fee for publishing or reading), in open access, the original results evaluated by peers, which explain experiences and results from research and practice in the areas of design, music and the visual arts. Through Fundamental Research Papers, Case Reports or Review Papers, by professionals researchers and scholarly contributors, it promotes knowledge related to the activities of design, music and other visual arts in all its domains of application, as well as its history, its teaching and learning.
The authors and readers of this journal are mainly professionals, students, researchers and scholars from all fields of design, music and visual arts at an international level.
This is an open access journal, which means that all content is available free of charge (no-fee for publishing or reading), at no cost to the user or their institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without prior permission from the editor or author, within the BOAI's definition of open access.
Convergences is published in May and November of each year and accepts papers written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. In 2021, Convergences Journal limited to publishing a maximum of 12 articles per issue, totaling 24 articles per year.
Convergences Journal was Accepted to Scopus Indexation in July 2023.
In addition to exporting metadata to various databases, since 2020, all Convergences Journal articles are deposited in the SciELO Portugal collection, PKP PN, is listed on Sherpa/Romeo, on the Internet Archive and in the Scientific Repository of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, also in Open Access.
Call for papers is permanently open.
E-ISSN (Online) 1646-9054
ISSN (Print) 2184-0180
Edições IPCB
Current Issue
Vol. 17 No. 34 (2024)